The Hawk Network is the world's driving disseminated, sapient Internet of Things, consolidating forefront registering and blockchain science to give companies incipient IoT innovation substructure innovation with fewer rights to access costs and more prominent natural openness.
Falcon Network depends on brilliant equipment, utilizes cyclopean data innovation as a commencement stage, contrasts engenderment and ecological factors and paid blockchain books, and at last, understands the objective of the ecumenical Internet of things.
Transmuting the incipient monetary model, the Hawk Network coordinates computerized identifiers and a few encryption innovations, sanctioning shrewd terminals, IoT ventures and clients to consistently get to the Hawk Network, assuring resource and information security. We accept that the age of endeavored and true competency observation has come.
By advancing innovation plans and monetary models, Hawk Network applies edge registering, UID client computerized personality and a few encryption advancements to make contrivances, clients and organizations unhindered on the Hawk Network, which empowers the security of benefits and information; The HAWK figure is a mechanism for trading the estimation of the Hawk Network, and will be connected in different situations, for example, installments, contracts, financing, exchanges and conveyed Internet of Things course.
So, the Hawk Network utilizes blockchain innovation to enable the customary web of Things investigations and arrive at another age of insightful web Things that are conveyed. While HAWK Tokens are the primary key to the Hawk Network, it inclines to be verbalized that the period of insight and view of all things has arrived.
The Hawk Network venture is hatched by Canada. ROUP Canada and Klaytn, a blockchain stage possessed by Korean Cocoa. UB.GROUP is an astronomically immense scale Internet of Things, and a keen ecumenical peregrinate organization with 30 million clients, and works in many urban communities around the globe. UB.GROUP has solid R&D capacities in brilliant equipment, the Internet of Things, and blockchain. Cacao is Korea's gregarious goliath with 50 million clients. Kalyan is the Cocoa blockchain stage, which incorporates blockchain innovation and the best business groups on the planet. UB.GROUP and Cocoa are idealistic about the amelioration of the up and coming age of the Internet of Things, categorically the commix of edge registering innovation, 5G innovation, and blockchain innovation.
Is the primary application on the Hawk Network, which needs to make a devoted stage for keen peregrinate that utilizes the fundamental Hawk Network blockchain innovation to associate shrewd gear, peregrinate specialist organizations and riders. Together with decentralized reasoning and online natural interactivity to operate genuinely distributed coordinated effort organize, BHK will, later on, make a promising decentralized stage for sharing bikes. We are satiated to declare the HAWK venture, which will be the absolute first application made on UChain. Bird of prey utilizes blockchain innovation to make a cutting edge keen bike for sharing. Bird of prey is a cutting edge innovation of vigorous savvy bikes with ventures up to 45 km for charging.
In the principal organize, an aggregate of 5,000 HAWK bikes will be sold. They mean perturbance to the present guest systems, consolidating keen bike rides with digital currency mining. Inventiveness and foreknowledge are to give another exchange experience that expeditiously animates clients by victoriously triumphing tokens on them.
Falcon bikes can access our mundane network and offer an abundance of ecumenical purchaser assets. Proprietors get ingress and advantage from a fundamental code filter.
Falcon is the first subnet of the world's first stock trade chain. He can mine and can discover many HKC tokens consistently. As a natural imprint for HAWK mining, the utilization of HKC will develop with the presentation.
Any individual who purchases a hundred Ebony Knights or more can turn into an accomplice in the city. City associates will have different limits relying upon the number of falcons requested: 10% rebate for requests from 100 or more, 15% markdown for requests from 300 or more, and 20% markdown for requests from 500 or more.
Each time you welcome a companion to efficaciously buy a Hawk bike, you get a 5% mazuma prize. Bird of prey Network was recently brooded through Canadian UB.GROUP and Klaytn, a blockchain stage possessed by Kakao Korea. UB.GROUP is a sizably voluminous scale Internet of things and ecumenical sodality Keenly intellective Tour with 30 million clients, which works in many urban communities around the globe. UB.GROUP has broad innovative work aptitudes in the field of astute gear, the Internet of things and blockchain.
Kakao is a Korean gregarious goliath with 50 million clients. Kalyan is the Kakao blockchain stage, which incorporates a great group of blockchain designers on the planet. UB.GROUP and Kakao are hopeful about the advancement of the following time of the Internet of things, for the most part, a coalescence of processing innovation, 5G mechanical facility and blockchain innovation. They concur that the cutting edge will take the macrocosm of the Internet of things to another one of a kind level.
HAWK token information:
Token info
Ticker: HAWK
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC-20
Available for sale: 4,000,000,000 HAWK (20%)
Total supply: 20,000,000,000 HAWK
ICO Price: 1HAWK = 0.0067 USD
Received: ETH
Hard stamp: 30,000,000 USD
Pre-sale Time: August 15, 2019 - August 30, 2019
ICO Time: 1 September 2019 - 30 Dec 2019
Whitelist / KYC: Whitelist + KYC
Country: China
Website: https://hawk.cool/
Telegram1: https://t.me/HawkGlobalGroup
Telegram2: https://t.me/Hawkbounty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hawk_HKC/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hawk.hkc/
Whitepapper: https://bhk.hawk.cool/
BTT username: Mr.Noda
BTT profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297923
ETH: 0x623bFCc35F32F8B8ca3ce795f932018d7DeC3E92