UDAP---An application-oriented assets, development assets and runtime blockhain---
UDAP---An application-oriented assets, development assets and runtime blockhain---

Hello,,dear reader, how are you today ??reading is pleasing something and of absolutely course adds to our knowledge, so In this good chance ,let me to introduce the new project of cryptocurrency world, which certainly is very has a good prospects in the future. And the name of this project are UDAP Project.
Since the 2018 year and almost all people has heard the Bitcoin word of Blockchain or cryptocurrency, but how many people are using this Blockchain technology to buildings solutions for business or personal use? Only a handful of people that use the real power of the blockchain solutions to build payment solutions or to deploy the Dapp for the purposes of developing their further of business.
Is A new recent development in the world of Blockchain based Universal Decentralized Asset Platform ( UDAP ) attractive is entered a phase “Tokenize Everything” due to the gap between blockchain applications and blockchain Infrastructures. Because when it is lost blockchain infrastructure is important layers of software.Because this time the importance of infrastructure blockhain has gone.
Middleware Protocol Asset Wallet Applications

A new Services in the field of applikasi help and quickly in gave token on assets in the app, like the tickets, the right IP, the certificate, and assets games. It’s also help applications to create the money alone.
Udap, is a layer of abstraction blockchain were significantly can reduce the cost of building app oriented assets, good in the development and runtime. Dapp came and powered by UDAP, and used as a tool to the cost of: Tiket, Social Affairs, Education, the Games, Health, Finance Rantai Pasokan, of Data, Community Technical Office, Perjalanan, E-Commerce, Library and so on. It’s easy to make Dapp by UDAP. And facilitate the developer who can use middleware UDAP to transfer business normal them to business based token as well as UMedia.
Udap Token is a official payment issued by the UDAP platform. And is a solution in your problem of marketing and trading field.
Amid the height of demand users about UDAP then Platform UDAP introduced two types of the cover of the new namely Gateway and Service;
-Gateway aims to set up about routing and give a balance services to the users.
-Service it aims to give the services of consumers through Proof-Of-Performance-Stake ( POPS ), which herguna for storage data and sending the message.
-AlaaS API
1. Udap APIs to serves to topografi traditional app which serves To integration blockchains. This is a A app developers profitable for investors, because the developers is a deep comprehension about blockchain and decentralization of technology.
2.With the cost of the Fast, cheap and safe integration with blockchains the public, Udap implements State Channel technology aims to solve a problem is developed and run the apikasi based Blockchain technology.
3.With by Using Smart Contracts, Udap also provide in-app Wallet which serves to set up and management trade system of users like sell and buy.
-Token Detail
Token : UPX
Platform : Ethereum
Type : ERC20
PreICO price : 1 UPX : 0.0164 USD
Price In ICI : 0.0083 USD
Token fo Sale : 4,000,000,000
Distributed in ICO : 40%
Raised : $2,994,000
THE TOTAL SUPPLY IS 10,000,000,000.
-Token Distribution :

-RoadMap :
2017 Q2
-Project kickoff
2017 Q4
-Research completed
-Coding started
-Core team built up
2018 Q1
2018 Q2
-UDAP concept completed
-Expand eco-system and community
-Technical white papers released
-Started coding Proof-of-Concept prototypes and demos
2018 Q3
-UDAP Minimum Viable Product(MVP) deployed and released
-Singular Smart Contract Framework released
-State channel modules completed
-Harvest Asset Wallet (MVP) released
-First app – UMedia (MVP) released
2018 Q4
-UDAP middleware V0.4 released
-Singular Framework 0.5 release
-Harvest Asset Wallet beta release
-UMedia officially launched
-Community Support Program launched
2019 Q2
-UDAP mainnet infrastructure V0.5 release
-More business partner’s application released
2019 Q4
-UDAP mainnet deployed
-C2C Asset Marketplace released
-More community projects kicked off
2020 Q1
-UDAP Middleware V1.0 operation
-Market Aset C2C operation
-Team :

All right... up here for an explanation about this project from me...And I hope you like it to reading..thank's
BTT username: Mr.Noda
BTT profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297923
ETH: 0x623bFCc35F32F8B8ca3ce795f932018d7DeC3E92
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