среда, 17 марта 2021 г.

BucksCake — ETH 2.0 Ready DeFi Platform for Staking, Yield Farming, Cloud Mining and Exchange


BucksCake — ETH 2.0 Ready DeFi Platform for Staking, Yield Farming, Cloud Mining and Exchange


Today there are many crypto-projects on the market that are technologically advanced, have interesting economic models or ideological background, but very few of them were created to fulfil the actual business needs of commercial enterprises of the real world. This leads to a very weak adoption of crypto-currencies in the real business world.

There is a massive influx of Blockchain Technologies available in today’s market since the birth of Bitcoin. It’s been a decade, but there is still limited implementation of the technology in the core enterprise process due to a lack of requirements in terms of scalability, flexibility, privacy and security. Tech Giants such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle are competing to develop Blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solution that allows both large enterprises and businesses to implement, build and customize their own concept of centralized/decentralized applications.

BKC is a DeFi show that way to give maximal reaction of the Ethereum organic framework for everyone with induction to the web. BKC is exceptional by it’s giving a thoroughly secure and direct experience showed by keen arrangements and an unbelievable representative system. BKC offers a lot of organizations, going from Staking and yield farming, that customers can got induction on the bound together BucksCake stage.

Why BucksCake?
Due to Decentralized Finance (DeFi), BucksCake offers customers the ability to acquire money by Staking, Yield Farming and Cloud Mining on our single stage without risk of losing their resources. The security of our customers’ resources is a biggest requirement for all our gathering. We acknowledge that our customer is standard dynamic for our thriving. This conviction ordinarily suggests the meaning of offering quality decentralized money related sorts of help, security, straightforwardness and ease of use.

Benefits of joining BucksCake
- Ultra Liquid
Customers are enthusiastic about putting their tokens with the liquidity provider Uniswap. Commissions from these tokens are developed. The level of these commissions is appropriated by an independent method, like the liquidity of the LP token, and is changed over into (ETH-BKC) buyback (growing the expense). Any purchased BKC tokens will be passed on to stakers/farmers.
- Inflation Proof
BKC immovably influences every token. Each time BKC token is moved, a little commission is charged straightly by the farmers. This arrangement of work engages holding and farming. The best number of BKC tokens is 450,000 units. Besides, there will not at any point be a more noteworthy measure of them.
- Community Controlled
BKC holders will really need to settle on various suggestions as long as they have stamped liquidity in the pools. Neighborhood pick everything from engineer charges and site design to induction to express farming decisions.

Beginning BKCs will be appropriated during a pre-bargain event, during which a piece of got ETH will be exchanged for BKC giving the errand its first Price Pump. After the pre-bargain closes, Unsold BKCs will be scattered between customers as a one-time gift. As checked previously, BKC doesn’t have mining capacity, the BKC cap (450,000) is fixed until the cows come home. Its totally difficult to convey more BKC. Part of unsold BKCs will be used to add liquidity to other DEX stages like SushiSwap, and some of them will be conveyed as Airdrop to first monetary supporters and media associates and some will be seared.

Token Allocation
Pre-Sale : 94,500 BKC — 21%
Community : BKC — 30%
Staking : 90,000 BKC — 20%
Liquidity Lock: 90,000 BKC — 20%
Marketing : 9,000 BKC — 2%
Team : 22,500 BKC — 5%
Reserve : 9,000 BKC — 2%

The BKC Staking show grants customers to stake ETH, USDT, DAI, USDC, WBTC, BNB(ERC20) and clearly BKC using a particular Staking DApp. By a locking season of 72 hours, customers can clearly control their own tokens. The BKC Staking DApp can be found at: ssilka Unlike various stages, BKC offers a fixed % return on their stamped assets as opposed to offering a beginning high APR, which ordinarily diminishes throughout some time. Our inferences guarantee long stretch adequacy with the current status of the representative plan and a confined proportion of 450,000 BKC as there is definitely not a mint course of action in our emblematic arrangement.

Yield Farming
Yield Farming, or as some call it Liquidity Mining, is the essential pillar of DeFi’s movement in the blockchain space. Yield Farming is a way to deal with gather pay from contributed holds. BKC Farming grants you to gain grants for giving liquidity in various liquidity pools. Customers will be given guaranteed payouts from Uniswap commissions. The proportion of the prize depends upon the amount of tokens obliged the liquidity of the pool. The more people join the pool, the less every part will get eventually. Exactly when you add liquidity to the pool, you get a UNIv2 (BKC-ETH) token for the wallet you use to add liquidity. This token is your induction to the current farming pool on the BKC stage.

We acknowledge that our customer is guideline dynamic for our flourishing. This conviction ordinarily infers the meaning of offering quality decentralized financial kinds of help, security, straightforwardness and ease of use. The security of our customers’ resources is a biggest requirement for all our gathering The guideline point of convergence of our gathering is Transparency and Security. In any case, our BKC Token contracts and smart contracts will be surveyed by best audit associations.

Learn More:

Website : https://buckscake.com/
Whitepaper : https://buckscake.com/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/bucks_cake
Telegram : https://t.me/BucksCakePublicChat


BTT username: Mr.Noda

BTT profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297923

ETH: 0x623bFCc35F32F8B8ca3ce795f932018d7DeC3E92

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